Airmar Technology Corporation


Download SensorCheck App from the Apple App Store
Download AIRMAR SensorCheck App from the Google Play Store

The SensorCheck app on your Apple or Android device, can connect wirelessly to Airmar’s TDT1000 Transducer Diagnostic Tester for the purpose of testing the performance of a transducer. Upon start up, the app will download all the updated transducer data from Airmar’s servers and make it readily available to test against. SensorCheck enables the user to start the test via the TDT1000, by first identifying the transducer connected, setting the parameters to test, and enabling the test to begin. Upon completion of the test, the SensorCheck app displays the test results and determines if the tested transducer’s performance is in range or out of range. The results of the test are automatically stored on the mobile device as well as Airmar’s servers. Test results can be shared via email or text to the boat owner or captain. Installers who are Airmar certified can also use the SensorCheck app to submit newly installed transducers for warranty.  

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Airmar SensorCheck™ App

Test transducer performance against factory data from the very same transducer to ensure performance is within spec.
Share test results data via test or email with customers or AIRMAR Tech Support.
The SensorCheck™ App updates with the factory database information so you’ll always have the most recent test data.
New bar code reader function makes identifying transducers easy. Serial number, model and test parameters are all determined by the bar code and SensorCheck is ready to begin testing.
Default tests parameters are available for both AIRMAR and other manufacturer’s transducers. Customized User Defined test may also be created and stored for future use.
TDT1000 Overview
TDT1000 In Depth