R309 Chirp-ready Thru-hull External Mount
Part NumberR309
Airmar no longer manufactures this product.
Airmar’s Broadband R309 is different from its twin brother the R209, because it operates at a lower frequency range between 25 kHz to 45 kHz. (The high-frequency range of 130 kHz to 210 kHz is the same in both models.) The R309’s frequency agility allows you to change its beamwidth and depth capabilities. The narrow high-frequency beam will display extreme bottom detail and fish holding tight to structure. The wider low-frequency beam will not only give deep-water bottom detail, but will also show you more of what is around your vessel—including bait which may attract game fish. This powerhouse is best suited for offshore sport and commercial fishing vessels—giving 2 kW to 3 kW echosounders extreme deep-water bottom detail and target discrimination. Survey vessels can also use the R309 for bottom profiling and sea-mount tracking.
Offshore and long-range blue-water fishing
Commercial fishing
Deep-water canyon and sea-mount tracking
- The top performer in Airmar’s professional line of fishfi nder transducers
- Only 3 kW thru-hull transducer on the market that can operate at 28 kHz, 38 kHz, or 45 kHz
- Recommended for commercial and sportfishing boats above 12 m (40')
- Depth and fast-response water-temperature sensor
- New urethane housing
- Includes fairing and stainless steel stuffing tube
- Exclusive Xducer ID® technology
- Acoustic Window: Epoxy/urethaneCommon Use: Fishing, Commercial FishingFunctions: Depth, TemperatureHigh Frequency: 130-210 kHzHousing: UrethaneMax Vessel LOA: 12 m (40') and aboveMounting Style: Thru-HullPower Rating: 2-3 kWRetractable housing: NoSingle or Dual Frequency: CHIRP-Ready Dual-BandTilted Element: No